Wednesday 30 May 2012

Work-in-progress of a drawing I did for Julie and John (and Bruno!)...

My logo for the University of Glasgow Zoological Society, adopted circa 2008! :)


This is from a photo of a wee green dragon I took on the Isle of May in 2010...


The ultimate reason I'm setting up this blog is in the hope that I might be able to do some drawings for anyone who wants them. Have a browse at what I upload here and please let me know if you have any drawing/graphic needs!

In the meantime, here's a wee doodle of Crail Harbour I did whilst there in April...

My new blog...!

Well, it seems as though I have finally been persuaded to start putting some of my doodlings together in one place.

  Here is my first offering:

As you can see, it appears to be a very crude... watercolour painting... of a man, in a Bishop's hat.